Hyper-personalized customer journey without cookies

Promote personalized experience and brand loyalty through AI and NLP, and create a new generation of customer journey.

Why awoo AI Marketing Platform?

Create highly personalized user Journey by marketing automation to improve personalized experience and customer satisfaction

21 %

increase in Organic Traffic

3.7 x

increase in Dwell Time

3.3 x

increase in Site Search CVR

3.5 x

increase in Add Items to Cart

3 x

increase in Total CVR

All-in-one AI Marketing Platform

One platform with one set of AI tools to strengthen the connection between products and customers at each touch point and provide cross-channel and consistency shopping experience through SEO automation, on-site search optimization, product recommendation to enhance conversion.

Traffic Engine

◉ Automatically generate a large number of classified pages (awoo Page) according to the users’ search intent.
◉ Optimize internal links and strengthen SEO structure.
◉ Generate a large number of pages that are easily indexed by search engines.
◉ Auto-generated product hashtags are also SEO friendly keywords.

Recommendation Engine

◉ Product tags are effective in creating a seamless shopping experience to reduce bounce rates, uplift conversions
◉ awoo Page can guide customers to discover the products they need.
◉ Site search provides highly accurate suggestions and raise the satisfactions.

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